Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Assignment #3

Jesie Lee

            A cognitive inventory test tells how people solve problems and tests their mental processes. A learning style inventory test tells how someone takes in and processes information and it helps people discover environments in which it is best for them to learn. The results from my two tests were not surprising to me. I have a sensorial/emotional cognitive style, and a tactile learning style. I am a hands-on learner and I like to see the best in every person I meet.
            Knowing my own cognitive style and learning style is very important; as is knowing the cognitive styles and learning styles of my future students. It may be impossible to know every detail about each student depending upon the size of the class; however, teachers should be very patient and observant with each student and recognize the ways in which each of them learns best. Also, being familiar with my own cognitive and learning styles is important while teaching because I want to present new material to my class in the best ways that I am able to do so. Since I am a hands-on learner, then it would be best for me to do demonstrations while explaining material to the students. For example, if I want to show the class how to solve “3 x 4”, I could use blocks to make a 3 x 4 rectangle to demonstrate how to get the correct answer. Since I have an emotional cognitive style, I like to make a positive impact on other people’s lives, like many other teachers. I am a very organized person and I make at least one list per day because that is the only way I can remember things that I have to do.
            In my opinion, I have very appropriate cognitive and learning styles in order to be an elementary teacher, which is what I plan to be one day. Children love to be hands-on so they do not get bored with me (as the teacher) or themselves. I hope to make an impact on the lives of all of my future students.

Test Results:

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